The Prehistoric Experience ✦ Identity & Branding

The Prehistoric Experience combines different elements of Extended Reality (XR) such as animations/projections on large LED screens, interactive touchscreens, and themed lighting/sound. The exhibit halls are filled with animal models, accompanied by fossils. Each era hall is decorated with fake plants or elements to create a tangible landscape. Visitors of all ages can interact with the environment, and immerse themselves in the lost earth they have never seen.


This assignment was mostly self guided, and only had to meet a 3 deliverable minimum. I was passionate about the idea and decided to create more deliverables to make the product feel as real as possible. The subject matter is focused around prehistoric animals, and bringing them to life.

Initially I began by sketching out a rough idea of all my deliverables to see the scope, and edit down the amount to fit the project.


SCAD FASH ✦ Custom Luxury Invitation